Whilst I’m wasn’t sponsored for this trip (I think that makes me a ‘privateer’, or is it a ‘buccaneer’?) there are many people who have either generally helped me get through life to this point (and I don’t quite know how I’ve managed it most of the time) or given me support for this my latest venture.
Firstly mum, dad and Emma. Mum and dad, thank you for putting up with your wayward son, letting him pretend that explorers still exist and generally being fantastic, oh and for the storage 🙂 Emma, my dearly departed sister, I miss you all the time and try and live every day because you can’t.
Thanks to my wider family and to all my lovely friends in Bristol (and elsewhere) for the laughter and your support.
Thanks hugely to Randy at Bike in Bristol, UK and John’s Cycles in Bath, UK for the major effort invested in planning, tweaking and finally building ‘Charles’ my bicycle.
Jason, huge thanks for your web skills in putting this site together and thank you to Kate for letting me borrow your husband, as it were (and to Kate for the inspiration for the site name!).
Gary at Maynard Heady Accountants in Maldon, Essex, UK thanks for bearing with me; thanks to all at Andrews Letting & Management in Bristol, UK and also to Evelyn at STA Travel in Bristol, UK.
Finally, Bonington, Tasker, Scott, Messner et al, you may not be cyclists but you’ve been a monumental inspiration so, thank you.
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